Get Music Fit with Mike
Under The Radar: Secrets To Success For The Independent Musician
119 | Get Over Your Stage Fright and Dare to Be Seen with Elisa Di Napoli

119 | Get Over Your Stage Fright and Dare to Be Seen with Elisa Di Napoli

Plus some exciting news and events for your weekend...

Alright. Everyone has experienced stage fright, right? Everyone I know has, that’s for sure. Maybe it’s part of the creative mind, feeling unjust in getting up on stage.. like “WTF would anyone wanna hear what I have to say…”

Well, in today’s podcast, I sat down with Elisa Di Napoli, singer-songwriter, Hypnotherapist, and Author of “Dare to Be Seen: From Stage Fright to Stage Presence: Ten Easy Steps to Turn Your Performance Anxiety into Authentic Power with Transformational Hypnotherapy”.

We discussed some of the most common things she sees, and as an artist herself, how she’s gotten over the nerves. We also jam to the weirdest foods she’s eaten and her guilty pleasure band. It’s a fun conversation and a great way to cap off Mental Health Awareness Month here in Canada.

Thank you for reading Get Music Fit With Mike Schwartz. This post is public so feel free to share it.


Try Some Breathwork and Yoga put to Frequency-Minded Music ™️ Tomorrow!

Unfortunately, I will be unable to join live, so I crafted a whole 90-minute setlist for Megan and Jenna’s transformative experience, “Expanded”. There are still a couple of spots left and you can get your tickets, online and live here. Don’t sleep on this, folks!

Get Tickets

Speaking of Expanding & getting over fears…

I’d love to know…


Why do I want to know this?

I’m taking my show on the road.

Did you know 48% of employees self-report being productive less than 75% of the time?

Read that again.

Nearly half the people at your workplace are doing nothing for 3/4 of the day. That’s mindblowing! 🤯

Let’s change that! You can be the catalyst!

You see, the work I do to help build confident leaders in the creative arts space and health and wellness industry is transferable knowledge and I would love to host a free, 60-minute signature workshop at your workplace to help you and your colleagues get more from work and from life.

I can do this in-person or online so shoot me a if you’d like more info and let’s connect!

Discussion about this podcast

Get Music Fit with Mike
Under The Radar: Secrets To Success For The Independent Musician
In a recent study, 73% of independent musicians reported having experienced mental health issues.
Traditionally, the Rockstar Lifestyle was all about sex, drugs and rock n' roll, right? Well, with that kind of lifestyle comes a lack of energy, focus, motivation and drive. Injuries occur, we become addicted to substances, experience anxiety, and depression and as a result, our relationships suffer and we end up resenting the thing we were born to do: make music.
Sound familiar?
Your poor lifestyle choices are killing you, literally and you're the only one stopping you from achieving your dream of being a successful musician. Time for a change, wouldn't you say? Learn from industry pros and musicians just like you how to make better business decisions, eat clean, move intentionally, and develop a performance mindset so you start to see success both on and off the stage.
This is the Musician Wellness information station and the only podcast on the planet creating Rockstars, one musician at a time. Our goal is to uncover the best-kept secrets of success and make them accessible to you, the independent musician.