Get Music Fit with Mike
Under The Radar: Secrets To Success For The Independent Musician
118 | Mental Health in the Music Industry Part 4: The Lighthouse Theory

118 | Mental Health in the Music Industry Part 4: The Lighthouse Theory

How to seek guidance when you're unwell and how to empower others around you

Today caps off our 4 part mini-series on mental health in the music industry. Today we’re bringing it all together and giving you the actionable resources you can utilize to help yourself and others navigate adversity and boost your mental health! First though, I’d love to know where you’re at today… all right answers, check in with yourself. How you doin’?


Today we discuss the concept of The Lighthouse…

That guiding light for those who are struggling, be it trusted friends, mentors, professionals or supportive communities (Like the Music Fit Collective… 😜

You’ll leave today’s show with:

  • Practical tools to navigate those rocky seas that are the highs and lows of life 🌊

  • A better understanding of when help may be more about lending a good listening ear than providing solutions 👂

Where you can go to get access to a supportive community, valuable tools and guidance to get through life’s challenges with more ease 🏫 📚 🧙‍♂️

Additional Resources

My LinkedIn post about referrals and my referral script!

All my show notes and planning for this episode can be found here. (It was fairly limited this time… 🙈 )

Learn more about me and my holistic coaching system, the Music Fit Method here:


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Get Music Fit with Mike
Under The Radar: Secrets To Success For The Independent Musician
In a recent study, 73% of independent musicians reported having experienced mental health issues.
Traditionally, the Rockstar Lifestyle was all about sex, drugs and rock n' roll, right? Well, with that kind of lifestyle comes a lack of energy, focus, motivation and drive. Injuries occur, we become addicted to substances, experience anxiety, and depression and as a result, our relationships suffer and we end up resenting the thing we were born to do: make music.
Sound familiar?
Your poor lifestyle choices are killing you, literally and you're the only one stopping you from achieving your dream of being a successful musician. Time for a change, wouldn't you say? Learn from industry pros and musicians just like you how to make better business decisions, eat clean, move intentionally, and develop a performance mindset so you start to see success both on and off the stage.
This is the Musician Wellness information station and the only podcast on the planet creating Rockstars, one musician at a time. Our goal is to uncover the best-kept secrets of success and make them accessible to you, the independent musician.